Be Your Pet Dog's Best Friend

To have a really great relationship with your pet dog, you need to work on that relationship constantly. It's not enough to build a few foundations and expect your relationship to blossom with little or no extra effort. Time spent reinforcing the bond between you and your pet dog is time well spent, and will enrich your relatonship providing you both with the fun and rewards that pet dog ownership brings.
Make sure that you spend quality time with your pet dog. As pet dog owners we are all aware of the need to exercise and train your pet dog. The time spent on these activities will vary according to your pet dogs needs, however, this time should be rewarding and enjoyable for your pet dog. When walking with your pet dog, make sure that you talk and interact with your pet dog. Play a game of fetch or chase. All pet dogs love to chase, and taking an active role in this game will not only keep you fit, but will help you engage with your pet dog in a fun and simple way.
Be animated when you communicate with your pet dog. During the day, your pet dog will hear you converse with many different people, either on the phone or in person, and will generally filter out most of the conversation. With your tone of voice you can communicate to your pet dog that something is interesting or fun, or that something is undesirable or Dogs have extremely sensitive hearing and are very much attuned to your moods and tone of voice, use this to your advantage. Attract your pet dogs attention by using a friendly voice that is slightly higher pitched than your normal speaking voice.
Never forget the importance of physical contact. When your pet dog is near, make the effort to stroke their head or neck and talk in a soothing voice. If you are in the park, and your pet dog bounds over to you, make a fuss of them, make being near you a rewarding experience for your pet dog. This will not only reinforce the bond you and your pet dog have, but it will also aid recall. If you have problems recalling your pet dog, practice this when they are off the lead. Several times during the walk, call your pet dog to you and reward them for coming with a treat or a cuddle, and then let them carry on with what they were doing. If you only recall your pet dog when they are naughty or to put them on the lead, your dog will associate punishment or the end of the walk with coming when called. If you have been out, greet your pet dog properly when your return - being away from you is never enjoyable for your pet dog. Make the time to cuddle or play a quick game to celebrate your return. This is very natural for pet dogs, they will do this to other pet dogs they know and like, so this behaviour is something they understand.
Ask yourself, if you were your pet dog, would you enjoy the time you spend together. Try to be fun for your pet dog. We all have busy days, bad days and sad days, but your dog relies upon you to provide the love and support it needs, and will give you loyalty and friendship in return. Your pet dog doesn't need or understand your stress, but they are affected by it. On a bad day, make a point of having a game or cuddling with your pet dog, and you'll probably find it helps you too.
By: Jane EarleyAuthor Bio

Aug 23, 2008

Checking your Pet’s Health

Checking your Pet’s
If you are a pet owner, you know one of the most important factors in your relationship with your pet is their health. Your pet can add a lot of fun to your life as well as being a great companion and keep you safe. You will need to keep an eye out for any changes in your pet’s behavior such as loss of appetite, drinking excessive amounts of water, gaining or losing weight rapidly, behavior that is strange for your particular pet, your pet being overly tired or sluggish, having trouble standing or sitting, or any strange bumps or lumps. Other things to watch for would be if there is any abnormal discharges from nose, eyes, or other openings, any scratching, licking, or biting excessively, or loss of hair. If you notice any of those then you need to contact your veterinarian and let them have a look.
There is one type of illness to keep an eye out for which can effect both cats and dogs. That illness is Heartworm. There is an infection as well as disease. Heartworm infection is where the parasites are, and doesn’t mean that your dog is sick at this point. Heartworm disease is where your pet is sick. You can keep your pet from getting heartworm disease by visiting your vet on a regular check-up as well as giving your pet heartworm treatments you can purchase from your vet.
Other than the major things to keep an eye out for, you also need to do the regular things to keep your pet healthy. The first activity in keeping your animals healthy is to bathe and groom them regularly. If you own a dog then you need to regularly brush, bathe, and take care of its nails. Be sure to protect your dog’s eyes and ears when you bathe it and dry it off, not allowing it to become chilled. If you have a puppy be sure it’s older than 12 weeks before bathing on a routine basis.
By TOm Lewis

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