Be Your Pet Dog's Best Friend

To have a really great relationship with your pet dog, you need to work on that relationship constantly. It's not enough to build a few foundations and expect your relationship to blossom with little or no extra effort. Time spent reinforcing the bond between you and your pet dog is time well spent, and will enrich your relatonship providing you both with the fun and rewards that pet dog ownership brings.
Make sure that you spend quality time with your pet dog. As pet dog owners we are all aware of the need to exercise and train your pet dog. The time spent on these activities will vary according to your pet dogs needs, however, this time should be rewarding and enjoyable for your pet dog. When walking with your pet dog, make sure that you talk and interact with your pet dog. Play a game of fetch or chase. All pet dogs love to chase, and taking an active role in this game will not only keep you fit, but will help you engage with your pet dog in a fun and simple way.
Be animated when you communicate with your pet dog. During the day, your pet dog will hear you converse with many different people, either on the phone or in person, and will generally filter out most of the conversation. With your tone of voice you can communicate to your pet dog that something is interesting or fun, or that something is undesirable or Dogs have extremely sensitive hearing and are very much attuned to your moods and tone of voice, use this to your advantage. Attract your pet dogs attention by using a friendly voice that is slightly higher pitched than your normal speaking voice.
Never forget the importance of physical contact. When your pet dog is near, make the effort to stroke their head or neck and talk in a soothing voice. If you are in the park, and your pet dog bounds over to you, make a fuss of them, make being near you a rewarding experience for your pet dog. This will not only reinforce the bond you and your pet dog have, but it will also aid recall. If you have problems recalling your pet dog, practice this when they are off the lead. Several times during the walk, call your pet dog to you and reward them for coming with a treat or a cuddle, and then let them carry on with what they were doing. If you only recall your pet dog when they are naughty or to put them on the lead, your dog will associate punishment or the end of the walk with coming when called. If you have been out, greet your pet dog properly when your return - being away from you is never enjoyable for your pet dog. Make the time to cuddle or play a quick game to celebrate your return. This is very natural for pet dogs, they will do this to other pet dogs they know and like, so this behaviour is something they understand.
Ask yourself, if you were your pet dog, would you enjoy the time you spend together. Try to be fun for your pet dog. We all have busy days, bad days and sad days, but your dog relies upon you to provide the love and support it needs, and will give you loyalty and friendship in return. Your pet dog doesn't need or understand your stress, but they are affected by it. On a bad day, make a point of having a game or cuddling with your pet dog, and you'll probably find it helps you too.
By: Jane EarleyAuthor Bio

Sep 26, 2008

10 cat care guidelines

When your cat arrives at home: Bringing your new cat home can be frightening for it. Be prepared by having a food and water spot already set up. Also have a litter box setup in a quite spot away from the food. Your new cat should be transported in a cat carrier. When you bring the cat inside set the carrier down and open the door. Let the cat come out and explore on its own. Confining the cat to a quiet room for a day or two will make the experience less overwhelming. Going Outside: Before letting your cat outside for the first time be sure it is comfortable with you and its indoor surroundings. There are many dangers outside so let your cat have an escape route in case it needs it. My cat uses a cat door and it has save him a few times. Judge the risk to letting your cat outdoors. If you live close to lots of traffic having an outdoor cat may not be a good idea. Litter Boxes: If you are using a cat box it should be cleaned daily. Clumping cat litter makes this easy. Simply scoop out the clumps and you're done. Put the litter box in a place where the cat will not be disturbed. Food and water: Your cat should always have a supply of fresh food and water. I prefer to use a heavy ceramic bowl to prevent the cat from pushing it or tipping them over. The water bowl should be changed daily and food should be added to maintain a good supply. My cat is now on a high quality dry food. I found feeding him can food was a waste. He generally left some behind at each meal regardless of the portion. At 15 I weaned him onto dry food only. Scratching Posts: Any cat is going to have the urge to scratch. The question is where is it going to do it? Best to have a scratching post that is safe and secure. Play with your cat on the post so it gets used to being allowed to scratch there. Rubbing a bit of cat nip on the scratching post will encourage your cat to scratch. Cat Toys: There are so many different cat toys on the market these days it is hard to choose a toy your cat will like. After much trial and error I determined my cat likes the string attached to the toy much better then the toy. Whenever I want to play I get a string, or better yet, my gold necklace (his favorite). Sleeping Places: A cat always needs a quiet, out of the way place to sleep the day away. A bed near a heater or furnace vent is ideal. In the winter most of the vents in my house have a cat bed near them. If you have small children make sure they can't disturb your cat when it sleeps Care for eyes and ears: When cats get a build up of discharge around the eye simply clean it with a damp cloth. A small amount of discharge is normal for a healthy cat but if there are excessive amount then consult a vet. Regularly check your cats ears for dirt or ear mites. Any dirt can be removed with a damp Q-tip. If you spot small brown clumps of discharge you should consult your vet. This is a sign of ear mites. Care for the claws: If you have an outside cat, claw care is less important. Climbing trees, and other outdoor stuff helps to keep claws well maintained. An inside cat has far less need for its claws. There is really no environment where your cat needs to use its claws. You should trim your cats claws once or twice a year. Clip the very tip of each claw. Taking any more then just the tip can hurt your cat. It is recommended that you have a vet show you how to clip their claws properly. Care of the mouth and teeth: As cats age their teeth start to get calcium build up which can cause gum inflammation. Check your cats mouth every 6 or 8 weeks. Find and remove and calcium build up before deposits get too large. Caring for a cat is quite simple, common sense really. I believe that good food, fresh water, lots of love and exercise is best for a cat. By following these
10 simple guidelines your cat can live a long and healthy life.
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